Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Live with herpes: the Beginning Stages of Herpes

Herpes is an STD (sexually transmitted disease) that is common among teenagers and individuals in their 20s. Genital herpes is caused by a virus known as type 1 or type 2. With this virus, the herpes simplex virus is broken down into two types. These types are type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). It is essential that you familiarize yourself about the facts of both types.
There are several symptoms that you should be aware of that are associated with this STD. With this disease, some people have mild symptoms that are able to be noticed while others do not have any noticeable symptoms at all. Many of the symptoms that are associated with herpes are frequently mistaken for skin conditions.
If any symptoms are visible, individuals who are infected with this disease may notice blisters that have formed on or around the mouth, genitals or the rectum. You may notice that there is more than one blister on or around these particular areas. Over time, these blisters will break, leaving painful sores behind. The healing process for these sores can be anywhere from two to four weeks. Many individuals refer to having these blisters as an outbreak. Repeat outbreaks are common with the herpes disease.
Contracting the Disease
There are several different myths that surround this disease. Contrary to popular belief, any form of sexual contact can put an individual at risk for contracting this disease. Any form of sex, which includes oral and anal, puts an individual at a great risk for contracting this disease. Many individuals contract this disease because not all individuals have symptoms that are visible. Due to this fact, thousands of individuals are infected without knowing for quite a while.
There are quite a few complications that are associated with herpes. If you have an immune system that is not functioning as it should, herpes could cause a lot of damage. Other than painful sores that occur at various times, there are other complications that you will need to acknowledge. With herpes, this is not a disease that is curable. Although you will be prescribed medication, this will not cure the disease.
It is essential that you acknowledge that your overall health will be affected. Once people are aware that they have this disease, they automatically shut down and lose all hope for the future. Once they are able to get past the devastation part, people tend to think about their future. Needless to say, thinking about the future can be depressing as well. Although an individual can remain in a relationship with a few new rules, a lot of people do not view things this way. They feel as if their life is over and they just want to be left alone. Before any drastic decisions are made, it will be in your best interest to seek the advice and guidance of a health care provider. The good news about this condition is that it is curable. In any event, you will need to learn how to speak with any partner that has the potential to be sexually active with you about your condition. Although this is a sensitive subject matter, it is essential that your partner is aware of everything that is or has taken place.
As most people are well-aware, the 1000000% way to remain free from this disease is to not have any form of sexual encounter. Being that not too many people will agree with this way of life, they turn to condoms. Although condoms are the next safest way to protect yourself from contracting this disease, keep in mind that this method of prevention does not protect you 100% from contracting herpes and spreading it to others. These are just the basic herpes facts that should be acknowledged.
In the event that you have been diagnosed with herpes, it is essential that you seek treatment immediately and inform any sexual partners that you have had within the past year. In some states, there is an automated message service that will inform the sexual partners that you have had that they are at risk and need to get tested. This is a popular option for many individuals who are embarrassed or ashamed to inform their partners of the situation that has taken place.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7944750